Willamette Valley LGBT Chorus
Donations are always welcome!
Donations account for about one third of our overall budget. Please consider donating today!
You can also send money directly to the chorus at the following address:
Confluence Chorus
PO Box 2772
Salem, OR 97308
Your Support Sustains us. Together we Thrive.
We continue to sing because of you. You supported us when our revenues from concerts and events evaporated during Covid. You came out to be with us during the 2021-22 season, trusting that we would keep you safe. Your generosity carried us through recovery, and to the heights of the 2024 GALA LGBT choral festival. And here you are, looking for new ways to support us. Thank you.
2025 celebrates the 25th season of Confluence and our founding director, Raymond Elliott. As we approach his retirement next summer, we stand with pride, hope, gratitude and courage…mixed with sadness and the prospects of change. Your loyalty and confidence boost our spirits and faith.
Will you walk alongside us into the future so that together we may continue building harmony in all our glorious diversity through music?
Donations account for about one third of our overall budget. Please consider donating today!.
Confluence: 25th Jubilee Year.
How can you participate?
Donations. Unrestricted gifts provide subsidies for singers who cannot afford dues and other membership costs, because no one is turned away for lack of funds, neither singers nor audience. Open donations also help pay overhead expenses that are not covered by grants, for everything from transportation to printing.
Matching funds. Maximize your donation’s value by contributing directly to our matching fund or through your employer’s matching program. This year, we are seeking up to $5,000 to qualify for a capacity building grant that will underwrite many of the planned costs and surprises as we welcome a new Artistic Director. Specify “Match 2025” when you donate.
Residential Retreats. Gathering in community will be even more vital as we integrate the new AD and co-create our future. Designate “Retreat Fund” when you donate.
Success. This year we have more singers on the risers than ever before. We need more music, more programs, more space, more risers, more tech…. Designate “Growth” or become a sustaining donor.
Recurring Donor. Confluence treasures your continuing appreciation and sustenance. Any amount for any purpose will be gratefully accepted and put to good use. Simply mark “Recurring” when you donate.
To give: Send contributions directly to: Confluence Chorus, PO Box 2772, Salem OR 97308. Memo the check “Donation” or the specific purpose you want to support.
We are a 501c(3) non-profit organization, and your sponsorship donation is tax-deductible.
Coming Soon - Sponsorship Revitalized.
There are so many ways that your employer, company, professional entity, investment or trust can support Confluence while earning special appreciation. Underwrite a concert or retreat. Sponsor our outreach at a festival or fair. Match employee donations. Offer pro-bono or discounted services. Donate high-value items of value to our raffle.
Suggestions or ideas? Contact us at confluencechorusdonor@gmail.com